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参数搜索举例:ARM 32BIT 32K FLASH        1210 10uf 25v 125度 10%
料号搜索举例:STM32F401VBT6         FH35C-41S-0.3SHW
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 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands
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 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands产品列表

原厂料号 封装规格 品牌厂家 规格描述
F1827D1400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 25A 530VAC
F1857D400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 120VAC
F1842D1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 480VAC
F1892D1000 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 90A 380VAC
F1842D1000 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 380VAC
F1827RD600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 25A 240VAC
F1892RD400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 90A 120VAC
F1892D400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 90A 120VAC
F1842CCD600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 240VAC
M50100CC400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE POWER 100A 120VAC
M50100CC600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE POWER 100A 240VAC
F1857CAD400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 120VAC
F1857CCD400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 120VAC
F1857RD400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 120VAC
F1857RD600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 240VAC
F1827RD1000 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 25A 380VAC
F1842CAD1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 480VAC
F1842CCD1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 480VAC
F1842CCD1000 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 380VAC
F1842RD1000 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 380VAC
F1827D1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 25A 600VAC
F1857D1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 480VAC
F1857RD1000 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 380VAC
F1842D1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 600VAC
F1892CAD400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 90A 120VAC
F1827CAD1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 25A 480VAC
F1827RD1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 25A 480VAC
F1857D1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 600VAC
F1892CAD1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 90A 480VAC
F1892CCD1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 90A 480VAC
F1827RD1400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 25A 530VAC
F1842RD1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 480VAC
M50100CC1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE POWER 100A 480VAC
F1892RD1000 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 90A 380VAC
F1827CAD1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 25A 600VAC
F1827CCD1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 25A 600VAC
F1827RD1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 25A 600VAC
F1842RD1400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 530VAC
F1857CCD1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 480VAC
F1857RD1200 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 480VAC
F1857RD1400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 530VAC
F1842CCD1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 600VAC
F1842RD1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 40A 600VAC
F1857CCD1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 600VAC
F1857RD1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 55A 600VAC
F1892RD1400 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 90A 530VAC
F1892CCD1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 90A 600VAC
F1892RD1600 模块 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MODULE DIODE 90A 600VAC
B481C-2 B48 模块,有隔离屏障 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MOD DIODE PWR 35A 240VAC ISO PNL
B482F-2 B48 模块,有隔离屏障 SL Power Electronics Manufacture of Condor/Ault Brands MOD DIODE PWR 35A 480VAC ISO PNL

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