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参数搜索举例:ARM 32BIT 32K FLASH        1210 10uf 25v 125度 10%
料号搜索举例:STM32F401VBT6         FH35C-41S-0.3SHW
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 Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage
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 Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage产品列表

原厂料号 封装规格 品牌厂家 规格描述
TA76431FR(TE12L,F) PW-MINI(SOT-89) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC VREF SHUNT ADJ PW-MINI
TA76431F(TE12L,F) PW-MINI(SOT-89) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC VREF SHUNT ADJ PW-MINI
TA76432FC(TE85L,F) SMV Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC VREF SHUNT ADJ SMV
TB6552FNG(O,8,EL) 16-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 16SSOP
TB6614FNG(O,EL) 16-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 16SSOP
TB6608FNG(C8OEL,HZ 20-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 20SSOP
TB6593FNG(O,EL) 20-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 20SSOP
TB6612FNG(O,C,8,EL 24-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 24SSOP
TA8428FG(O,EL) 20-HSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 20HSOP
TB6561FG(O,8,EL) 30-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 30SSOP
TB6562AFG(O,8,EL) 30-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 30SSOP
TB6569FG(O,8,EL) 16-HSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 16HSOP
TA7291P(O) 10-HSIP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 10HSIP
TB6575FNG(O,C,8,EL 24-SSOP(0.65mm) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR CONTROLLER PAR 24SSOP
TB6549FG(O,EL) 20-HSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 20HSOP
TA8428K(O,S) 7-HSIP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 7HSIP
TB62209FG(O,EL) 36-HSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 36HSOP
TB6588FG(O,8,EL,JU 36-HSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 36HSOP
TB6560AHQ(O,8) 25-HZIP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 25HZIP
TA7291FG(O,EL) 16-HSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 16HSOP
TA7291SG(O,J) 9-SIP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 9SIP
TB6617FNG(O,EL) 16-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 16SSOP
TB6560AFTG(O,8,EL) 48-QFN(7x7) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 48QFN
TA7267BP(O) 7-HSIP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 7HSIP
TB6568KQ(O,8) 7-HSIP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 7HSIP
TB6643KQ(O,8) 7-HSIP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 7HSIP
TB6549PG(O) 16-DIP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 16DIP
TA75W558FUTE12LF SM8 Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 3MHZ 8SSOP
TC75S63TU(TE85L,F) UFV Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP CMOS 3.5MHZ UFV
TA75S558FTE85LF 5-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 3MHZ 5SSOP
TC75W51FU(TE12L,F) SM8 Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 600KHZ 8SSOP
TC75S51FUTE85LF USV Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 5SSOP
TA75W01FUTE12LF SM8 Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 8SSOP
TC75S51FTE85LF 5-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 5SSOP
TC75W54FUTE12LF SM8 Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 900KHZ 8SSOP
TC75S55F(TE85L,F) 5-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 160KHZ 5SMV
TC75S54FU(TE85L,F) USV Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage CMOS TYPE OP AMP USV
TC75W51FK(TE85L,F) US8 Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage CMOS TYPE OP AMP IC DUAL US8
TC75S101F(TE85L,F) 5-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 5SMV
TC75S101FU(TE85L,F USV Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage CMOS TYPE OP AMP USV
TC75S55FU(TE85L,F) USV Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage CMOS TYPE OP AMP USV
TC75S101FE,LM ESV Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage CMOS TYPE OP AMP ESV
TC75W54FK(TE85L,F) US8 Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage CMOS TYPE OP AMP IC DUAL US8
TC75W55FK(TE85L,F) US8 Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage CMOS TYPE OP AMP IC DUAL US8
TC75S51FETE85LF ESV Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP ESV
TC75S60FU(TE85L,F) USV Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP USV
TC75W60FK(TE85L,F) 8-SSOP Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 8SSOP
TC75W60FU(TE12L,F) SM8 Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 8SSOP
TA75S01F(TE85L,F) * Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC OPAMP GP 300KHZ 5SSOP
TC78H600FTG(O,EL) 24-WQFN(4x4) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC MOTOR DRIVER PAR 24WQFN

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